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AllPrep DNA/RNA Micro Kit


  • High-quality DNA and RNA from the same sample
  • Maximal yields of DNA and RNA from precious samples
  • Rapid purification with short, streamlined protocol
  • Streamlined protocols for 96-well plates
  • Ready-to-use DNA and RNA for any downstream analysis

Product Details

AllPrep DNA/RNA Kits enable simultaneous purification of genomic DNA and total RNA from each cell or tissue sample. Since there is no need to divide each sample into two for separate purification procedures, maximum yields of DNA and RNA can be achieved. The purified DNA and RNA are eluted separately.

The AllPrep DNA/RNA Micro and Mini Kits can be automated on the QIAcube Connect. The AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit is well suited for high-throughput purification of genomic DNA and total RNA from up to 96 samples.

Optimal yields of DNA and RNA from tissues using the AllPrep DNA/RNA Micro Kit

Tissue (5 mg) DNA yield (µg)* RNA yield (µg)*
Heart 3.89 2.00
Brain 2.60 3.08
Kidney 11.33 12.70
Liver 32.40 16.02
Lung 9.65 24.63
Spleen 20.50 43.51
Thymus 34.90 56.89
Intestine 26.71 27.38

* DNA and RNA were purified from two 5 mg samples of each tissue, and the average yields are shown.

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