Company News

Safer Blood Transfusion Procedures at Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex

Published on May 2023

A properly functioning blood transfusion service is one of the essential components of health care and can save a considerable number of lives. Half of all people require a blood transfusion at some point in their lives.

Briogene Team has recently conducted a training and demonstrations of the ODAK gel card system at the Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex in Lahore. This is in support the institute's plans on shifting from manual to a more sensitive and accurate method of crossmatching donor and recipient blood before blood transfusion, eliminating any chance of human error and ensure a safe blood transfusion procedure.

Briogene Pvt Ltd is a member of Getz Healthcare. Briogene is a diversified healthcare solution provider. The company offers broad range of established & innovative products for use in the fields of medical diagnostics, treatment and disease management. Learn more